Monday, December 1, 2008

Aunt Cheri and the boys at over the holiday weekend. We feel so blessed to have such awesome family. Marshall and Carson each adore her and we are all so lucky to have her. We love you Aunt Reeee.

The Boys with Santa

The boys finally met him. Santa came to Utah early this year, and the boys got to meet him for the very first time. They loved meeting him and were eager to share their Christmas lists with him. Marshall wants a red tow truck and racecar, Carson wants a blue car and Charlie just wants to be held. Kyle and I are SO lucky to have our sweet boys and are eager for Christmas to come so we can share in the wonder of it all with them. We feel so blessed to have been given such sweet boys. Merry Christmas B Boys! Mom and Dad love you so much.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Carson and Puppies

Kyle and Carson went to Idaho this past week. Carson had a wonderful time seeing all the animals, swinging on the swing and playing in the sandbox. He especially loved the puppies. We all missed Kyle and Carson while they were gone, but we are glad they had a good time. We are also very happy to have them both home again!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


You all know who you are...I have to say thank you to all my friends. For some reason, I have been blessed with the most wonderful friends anyone could ask for. All you ladies in Phoenix especially, you have been such a perfect part of my life. I truly miss you all and wish for nothing more than to be able to see you all again and be with you all the time. This has been an especially difficult past 6 months for me, but my friends have been such a support and I am grateful. I don't care what life throws my way, I am forever grateful for my husband, kids, health, sisters/mom and my friends. As long as I have those things, life is perfect no matter what.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Fieldtrip

Today was Marshalls field trip to the Big Red Barn. He got to ride on a tractor full of hay, play in a pumpkin patch, pick apples and peaches from the tree, run around with his friends and have applesauce donuts. It was a bit cloudy, but beautiful. It is days like today that I am so happy to be a mom. I love being with my boys and sharing in their new adventures and experiences. Marshall loved the tractor the most, but had a great time. Another reminder that the best things in life are free.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ladies...

This past summer, we were all able to have a girls night out and enjoy some time together. I am SO grateful for my family, but especially for my mom and big sisters. I know of families that don't speak much, don't share in on each others lives, and are just distant. My sisters and mom are my life. We all adore each other and truly care about the other. I thank my lucky stars to have been blessed with Caren and Cheri as sisters. But best of all, I get to have Catherine as my mom. There isn't a better mom out there.

Kyle and Charlie